Cultural advantageGiving candidates an inside look at Concur’s outstanding culture.

What happens when your external brand doesn’t align to your internal brand?

Concur, the leading provider of travel and expense management in the world, approached us with a dilemma: How do you attract the world’s top talent while staying true to your brand and your principles?

After an extensive cultural discovery, Drumroll crafted a full Talent Branding Engagement Strategy for Concur, establishing their internal brand principles, voice and creative campaign, identifying key touch points along the Talent Journey and executing game-changing creative that puts the real Concur on display for the whole world to see.


World Leader in Travel & Expense Management
2.2 Million
Page Views within Three Months


The high school geeks are now the cool kids.

When you’re passionate about your job, you’re good at your job. Concurians (employees of Concur) are so passionate about what they do, they can’t help but nerd-out about travel and expense solutions.

To acquire the best talent out there, we knew we needed to put that passion and commitment front and center.

“Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.” – Bill Gates


Mapping the (real) Concur career path.

In order to affect the Concur Talent Journey, we needed to experience it ourselves. An intensive discovery process, including 40+ interviews with Concurians of all levels across three continents, drove our strategic vision forward: To provide true insight into what it’s like to work and grow at Concur, inspiring candidates to apply.

To combat Concur’s misrepresented identity, we started at the core. We created a Talent Journey Roadmap outlining the steps prospective employees go through when looking for a new career and identified net-new internal principles unique to Concur’s culture. We created brand guidelines to direct the Talent Experience moving forward and for recruiters and managers use, teaching them how to speak authentically and consistently about their corporate culture.


It’s not a career. It’s a calling.

To engage prospective employees, we considered every step of the Concur Talent Journey and identified which touch points would garner the best ROI.

Each part of the Talent Experience is rooted in our brand guidelines, communicating the benefits of working at Concur with the same spunk and smarts they’ll actually experience there.

The biggest game-changer: A new career site. The fully responsive, immersive introduces the real Concur to potential hires and engages them through insightful content and unexpected animation (featuring actual Concurians).

As Concur continues to search for the brightest and most creative minds out there, we continue to develop new ways to keep them engaged, including internal incentives, social campaigns and cultural content.

We’re not only great to work with but we’re also fun to talk to.
Give us a shout and let’s do some great things together.